Skinning a Beast after they die gives you a skin.This also applies to Legendary Beasts, they can never be found again if they die.If a Beast dies, the player must find and tame a new one.At 0 stamina, manual heal and fast travel are disabled. Low stamina slows down movement and health regen.Manual heal and fast travel costs stamina.Stamina can be regenerated by sleeping and eating food.Stamina depletes faster when walking/running/being in combat.Stamina depletes slowly during gameplay.Available in New Gameplay Options when starting a New Game.

Each building and all subsequent upgrades require various resources (i.e., metals, gasoline, and medicine). Also, upgrading camp facilities can be very costly when you’re just starting out. However, each main base can only have two. To clarify, there are six camp facilities that you can build. This is when you’ll see the foreman (hammer icon) who’ll let you access the construction desk/camp facilities buildings and upgrades.

After completing the key objectives, you’ll have access to the main guerrilla base. Each region has an operation/main mission that will introduce you to the leaders of the rebel factions therein. Instead, you need to progress further until you can visit one of the three main regions in Yara (i.e., Madrugada, Valle de Oro, and El Este). The construction desk and camp facilities won’t be available at the start of your Far Cry 6 campaign.

Far Cry 6 guide: Camp Facilities and Construction Desk upgrades