Name a variable for each experiment and call the class: expt_1 = AFM() If you have carried out multiple experiments and would like to compare the results, you should assign an instance of the AFM class for each. The following sections will guide you through all the individual functions available. It is likley you will wish to carry out more detailled analysis than provided by this function. The mean and standard deviation will appera in the output. The code will also aclculate the adhesion and modules. A plot will open with the processed force curves, use the slider to move through each experiment. The tools will automatically align the data with thebaseline and set the surface height to zero. Navigate to the folder and select the file with the '.000' extension. This will open a window, prompting you to select the AFM data you wish to analyse. (Check the window hasn't opened behind python if this is running slowly.) expt = AFM() To carry out basic analysis you can use the inbuilt 'run' command. Open your script file and type (note this is case sensetive): from nanoforce import AFM For beginers it may be best to use a jupyter notebook here, as has been used for this tutorial. Start off by creating a folder containing your script (and the afm.py file if you have not installed the package from PyPI). using pip), in which case they should have installed automatically): pip install numpy To install these type the following commands into a terminal window (unless you have installed the nanoforce package from PyPI (i.e. To use the tools you will need a few python packages (numpy, plotly, scipy and easygui). You can download the tutorial as a Jupyter notebook from: For each snippet of code - try running it to see what it outputs. Currently the scripts are available as an offline file or can be installed from PyPI using: pip install nanoforceįollowing the steps below will show you how to carry out simple analysis and plotting of AFM data produced with Nanoscope and explain how to carryout your own more specific analysis. This tutorial demonstrates the basics of the AFM python tools for data analysis. Package to import and analyse AFM force curves produced using Nanoscope 5 & 6 and Nanosurf.